Sorry, a new post about what our school district plans on doing to our kids…

         clip_image002                         same kid

        clip_image003       different school

        clip_image005       double standard

Let’s set this kind of precedent for all of our children.

Great idea.

Homework should be banned!

  Maria   I would definitely support banning homework. Kids spend 6+ hours in school each day which – to me – is enough time to use for education. I would much rather my child spend their after-school time being

physically active, spending quality time with family and developing their own interests. I absolutely DESPISE homework.



 Charlee   I wonder if the guy who did the “study” did homework?


 Pundit   I dont think its the h.w. thats a problem its the lack of real understanding kids gain during the classroom and teachers trying to get the parents to aid in learning. Many teachers don’t check homework

and kids become discouraged about putting in the work. And, much of the hw is busy work and not somethng stimulating. So i say keep the homework but make it more interesting.


Cathi   I have children that span from college age to elementary school and we have never experienced too much homework. I have always found the need to augment the work with added assignments of my own.

I taught elementary school and felt that parents were far too involved in the homework and their own negative attitudes about homework getting the way was the greatest impediment to the process. Homework is an important way for the teacher to understand the student’s ability to synthesize the day’s work and to see how they manage on their own removed from the prompts of the classroom. It provides practice and mastery. Truly I remember having much more homework when I was a kid and I walked miles to and from school, up hill, both ways…

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 Amiche Me too but I only had one shoe!!


FDA About to Approve Genetically Altered Salmon

The FDA is on the brink of approving genetically engineered salmon for human consumption. This would be the first genetically engineered animal on supermarket shelves in the United States.

The salmon is engineered to produce growth hormones year-round that cause the fish to grow at twice the normal rate. The government already requires labels to tell us if fish is wild-caught or farm-raised—don’t we also have a right to know if our salmon is genetically engineered? Without labels,

we’ll never know.More than forty countries, including Russia and China, already require labels on genetically engineered foods. As Americans, we firmly believe that we deserve the same right to know what we are eating?

Debate it here:

  Bethnewyork   They do it for milk, they should for fish. Why do we need humongous salmon? I can think of other things I would like to have super sized. 🙂
Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 8:06:51 PM
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  Treefarn Why? For the cost savings. I’m not saying I agree with it, but if you are only asking why, its because it will provide salmon at a much cheaper cost.
Friday, February 17, 2012 at 5:44:31 AM
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  Neilsneils   Agreed. Consumers should know be communicated.
Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 6:38:34 PM
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Do soulmates exist? A Valentines Day post.

Is there really such a thing as one person we are meant to be with?

Below I have posted the comments on the debate. But, I would like to say, in the week we celebrate Valentines Day, that Soul Mates is a crock of shit.

I know, romantic.

I think this is put in the same category as fate. Something that is predetermined, destined, meant to be. I just don’t believe that anything is not within your ability to change. Relationships, included.

Now, onto Valentines Day. A day dedicated to what? Love?

It is a competition, who can get the best dinner - I managed to secure Valentine's Day dinner reservations at both 4:45 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.

Another pumped up holiday to make us women feel bad because it reminds us of all the romance we don’t have in our life, and the men, to come to terms with the fact that no matter what they do, it will never be good enough.

No matter what store I go into, I am reminded of St. Valentine, the Saint of “Making me feel like shit.”

I hope your Valentines day, lives up to the hype, and you find your soul mate in the process.


Carly3020   I really want to believe we all have a soul mate. I truly didn’t marry mine the first time but I’m still hopeful. I’m currently dating and it is very hard but I can honestly say I’m not settling or compromisingI guess that is why I’m still single.! But that is OK because I want the whole thing, I want that soul mate connection. I think when it happens you’ll just know it.

OctoberThats pretty cool that you are holding out. Many people settle for whats available.

Carly3020I guess at this stage of my life I know myself better and i know what I want and deserve. Don’t get me wrong I really hope I don’t end up alone!


October   Romanticism is dying but its not dead. There are many people who are probably ‘right’ for us, but whats the harm in believing that somebody is perfect for us, even heaven sent.


Baboosmom   I believe that soul mates do exist and that in a lifetime you can actually have more than one in a lifetime. Hopefully once you find one, you hang onto them so you don’t have to stumble along until you find the next one.


Cathi   The world is filled with near endless opportunity and choices and our will alone makes things work.

Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 8:41:13 AM





Hlymnky   The subtitle states “one person we are meant to be with”. That implies a preordained or pre-established relationship. But preordained where, and by whom? The notion becomes sillier the more I think about it. I’m not sure how the idea of soul mates came about, but I bet it stems from the incredible passion couples feel when they first fall in love. They start to imagine that it was destiny that brought them together, because what were the chances that, let’s say, a guy born in Indiana would happen to meet a girl from NYC at a bar in Philly while they were both on leave from college. It must be Fate that brought them together at such a specific place and time, despite all their different circumstances! Two years later, the passion has fizzled and they suddenly believe they weren’t soul mates after all, when in reality they just don’t want to put in the effort to maintain a commitment past the infatuation phase. They may still love each other, but for many people, love without lust simply isn’t good enough. So, no – soul mates don’t exist. Only choices.


Rspeakman   Sweet notion, and I only disagree with it slightly: I do believe that there is “one person we are meant to be with”, but I think it’s a person whom we choose and who chooses us out of the billions on the planet; and with whom we then spend a lifetime (ideally) building and nurturing a “soul connection” with. For each one of us, there are lots of candidates out there, and perhaps none that we are ‘fated” to be with; but once we choose one, let the work begin!! It’s so worth it…


Pundit   Unfortunately, this is a term made up by people who want to believe in fate. The truth as i see it is that we are drawn to people for reasons we dont fully understand because of our own histories, not because of some cosmic intervention.


Hlymnky   For me, the idea of soul mates – that there are couples out there who are pre-ordained for each other – cheapens relationships and denies free-will. While compatibility is important, ultimately the reason why couples stay together is choice. Relationships are always challenging even in the most compatible of couples, but people in them stay together because they want to put in the work. I’ll repeat that – they want to put in the work. The idea of soul mates trumps this stating that the reason why a couple stays together is because the heavens or cosmos deemed them as a match. That is not only plain silly, but it also disregards the actual effort and choices made by every couple who decide to stay together.

DadvocateI dont believe they are saying people stay together bc its preordained, the idea of soulmates is that couples find each other. What they do after that is up to them and the amount of work they are willing to put in.


Jpr318   Almost 7 billion people in the world and you are going to find THE one? You may find someone, but to think that you are so special and so lucky to beat that 7 billion to 1 odds is a little naive. I would even give Baboosmom the benefit of the doubt and say 7 billion to 10 is not likely. Humans by their very nature are very adaptive and I put True Love in this category. Adapt to your surroundings to make yourself happy. Where do you think the phrase love is all about compromise comes from :p


Jpr318   Nope….all propaganda distributed by man-hating women.

Bethnewyork HAHA, you are so rotten…LOL

People are fearful of intimacy

One of the scariest aspects of being a human being is rejection. We are afraid of being alone but we are more afraid of being turned down or rebuked in some way. As a result, we find ways of keeping ourselves from perceived vulnerability.

Baboosmom   Sometimes the fear really isn’t of intimacy as much as the fear of abandonment. Some people who come from divorced homes and were made broken promises, tend to get scared if the relationship seems to good to be true. The person always has a fear of being left so why get close to too many people. 


Jared   I do believe that people are afraid of intimacy. Sunny asked my views and i’m excited to see so much from others. There is a lot that is already written i resonate with. I believe that we fear intimacy because we dont want to be hurt, but also because we are uncomfortable with closeness. Males in particular but women as well regulate closeness based on their comfort…we also tolerate rejection based on our sense of security.


Damselfly   I agree that people fear revealing too much of themselves. Funny thing is though, there is nothing to fear.


ShelleyG   People are definitely afraid of intimacy. We seek out the most superficial and immediate gratification experiences imagineable. We are a society of quick fixes so i imagine before long we will see a pill for emotional intimacy problems.



Kddan   I have a problem with the debate title. It’s just a small thing but you say people are afraid of intimacy. I disagree for the reasons October stated. If you had said people are scared of rejection as you talk about in your description I would have agreed. Who isn’t afraid of opening up their heart to someone and being then told by that person that they are not interested. But I don’t view that as emotional intimacy before someone brings me up on that, for it to be intimacy it has to be shared and mutual. I don’t think it can be one sided.


October   Do you mean physical or emotional intimacy? I don’t believe that males on the whole are afraid of being physical, especially when feelings arent involved. Women seem to crave emotional intimacy. So on the whole i’d have to disagree.

Pinterest makes me feel inadequate.

images (24) If any of you have been on this site recently, and most of America has, you will soon realize how inferior your life is.

Between beautifully decorated homes, organized closets, uber clean bathrooms and kitchens AND not to mention beautifully clothed skinny models with perfect makeup and hair. If it is not enough to make someone want to drink that bottle of wine that has been sitting in the fridge for 2 weeks I don’t know what is.

Organization, declutter, clean, nothing will be enough,trust me.

The odds that one room in your house looks like this are slim, and if it does, I hate you.

Beware, it is addicting. No matter how fun it may seem, after a while, you realize all the shit you are not getting done.

Check it out, see what you think. You will never feel completely whole again.

Fatherlessness is the most tragic societal illness

“Never before has a culture had so many babies, toddlers, infants, adolescents, young adults raised without a father. Many fathers are absent, distant or disinterested. Many fathers are unknown, divorced or runaways. A father model is most important. Many do not have one. The consequences are showing up in our rehab. Centers, drop out centers, juvenile centers, and prisons. Single moms have a huge job and most do it well, but it simply is not enough, because everyone needs a Dad.” Charlee, debate creator, Ufeud member

Current responses:

Bethnewyork   What about those children who have fathers in their life, that are more a detriment? How does that effect their psychological well being? Which is the lesser evil.

Pundit   Children growing up without a father has got to account for much of the entitlement and lack of accountability we are seeing in kids today, boys in particular. I don’t know if the stats reflect a growing trend of fatherlessness or perhaps just a greater family split rate, but the issue is certainly at the top of the social dilemmas facing our society. Any sense of this is a western culture phenomenon or worldwide?

Charlee it’s been awhile since I looked at the data, but the correlation between “fatherlessness” and males who have social, psychological and legal ills is quite clear and convincing. I believe the trend has been mostly in the western culture.

Morning after pill in vending machines?

Apparently, students at Shippensburg University have had available to them a vending machine that dispenses, for $25.00, the morning after pill.

They make no profit, and no state money is used.


Now keep in mind that, federal law makes the pill available without a prescription to anyone 17 or older.

How come after having this machine on campus for 2 years is this becoming an issue?

I would assume if you are anti-abortion, you would be anti-Morning After pill, but what do you think?

Too accessible?


Toddler Planet

Susan Niebur passed away on February 6, 2012 after a lifetime of love, crusades, and strength.  Over the last five years she lived with inflammatory breast cancer, a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer that presents without a lump.  She chronicled her life with cancer here on her blog Toddler Planet with honesty and emotion that were even more rare and aggressive.

She is survived by her family, friends, achievements, and the indelible marks she made on people around the world.  In lieu of flowers, please consider furthering Susan’s legacy through a contribution to the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation.  Or please choose to make a difference somewhere, anywhere, to anyone.

I can’t begin to describe how her friends, those physically nearby and those she knew only on the internet, enabled her to carry on through five years of treatment and recurrence.  Many of you have commented on…

View original post 21 more words

Pres Obama’s choice for FDA Advisor is Wrong!

President Obama, I oppose your appointment of Michael Taylor, a former VP and lobbyist for Monsanto, the widely criticized genetically modified (GM) food multinational, as senior advisor to the commissioner at the FDA. Taylor is the same person who as a high ranking official at the FDA in the 1990s promoted allowing genetically modified organisms into the U.S. food supply without undergoing a single test to determine their safety or risks. This is a travesty. 

Taylor was in charge  of policy for Monsanto’s now-discredited GM bovine growth hormone (rBGH), which is opposed by many medical and hospital organizations. It was Michael Taylor who pursued a policy that milk from rBGH-treated cows should not be labeled with disclosures. Michael Taylor and Monsanto do not belong in our government. 
President Obama, Monsanto has been seen as a foe to family-based agriculture, the backbone of America, by introducing dangerous changes to plants and animals and by using strong-arm legal tactics against farmers for decades. Naturally occurring plant and animal species are permanently threatened by the introduction of DNA and hormonal modification, Monsanto’s core businesses.  200

Do you agree?

Debate it here:

Sign a campaign here……